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Wednesday, July 25, 2012



Harini mungkin dia yang ingkar Allah s.w.t.
Esok lusa mungkin dia yang paling istiqamah melaksanakan Qiamulail, kala kita semua lena.

Kita tak pernah tau dan tidak akan tau.
Tugas kita bukan me'neraka'an org, TAPI mengajak manusia ke jalanNya & saling mendoakan.

Jangan hina permulaan seseorang, kerana kita TAK tau bagaimana pengakhiran diri kita sendiri.





Anonymous said...

I couldn't have really asked for a much better blog. You are always at hand to provide excellent information, going straight away to the point for easy understanding of your subscribers. You're really a terrific pro in this arena. Many thanks for remaining there humans like me.

OKje said...

Sue...lama tak dengar cite dan update blog!!!!

Anonymous said...

People like strong sue..Allah love us that's y they gave us test

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